Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Music and stuff

So, Vocal Union is going on tour after school gets out in April. We're touring parts of Nevada, Utah, and California, and I think it would be RAD (to use a Shella word) if any of you could make it to a concert. We've got some really sweet songs we're singing this semester....and I have some fun solos =) I posted some samples of what we're going to be singing on the side of my page. Feel free to listen and get excited! I'll let you know dates and locations when I get more details...but seriously, you should come. Yes, YOU.


Shella said...

I appreciate your integration of my word. :) lol I want to listen to these songs, but I'm in the computer lab at school and I don't have headphones. I'm so glad that you're in VU and that you're having such a good time with them! Love you Kimber!

Bill and Emily Grant said...

Oh! That would be so much fun! I would love to catch you on tour sometime! We don't know exactly where we will be this summer ... especially after little Miss Grant gets here, but we will look forward to seeing when and where your stops are! Good luck and how fun! I miss those performing days!

Anonymous said...

I hope one of your concerts are close to southern Utah. I would love to come and hear you. Let us know. You are such a cutie pie Kimber and I love you to pieces.

Anonymous said...

Ok... add a who do is really Tammy. Why is it not saying that it is Tammy? It sounds like it is Katie. Weird!